"Divided by industry rather than by arbitrary level, this application is for those people who know their way around an industry. Frequent Flyer? Try and identify over 40 airlines spread across all the continents. Food aficionado? Check out the over 40 restaurants, ranging from fast-food to casual dining to high-class cuisine. Logo Quiz is currently packed with four categories: Cars, Airlines, Technology, and Restaurants, but many more are coming.
If you get stuck on a logo, just ask for help! Each logo comes with three detailed hints to help you get that tricky brand. To unlock a hint, you must successfully solve any three other logos (does not have to be consecutive). Furthermore, take advantage of our complex name-engine that matches many different names for brands and doesn’t mark you wrong for making a typo! No more messing with the apostrophe in “McDonald’s” or having to go back to edit auto-correct. The name-engine understands what you mean and will tell you what you need to know."
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